Personal & Business Risk Management and Planning
Case Studies
Do any of these people sound like you?
I take each client as he or she comes and seek to tailor our services to fit. I have been in business long enough to know that one size does not fit all!
My clients include professionals, executives, business owners, retirees and many others. Some are relatively young, others are at or near the ends of their careers. Some face life events or changes, including the loss of a spouse, loss of a job or the onset of retirement.
Whatever situation my client is in, one thing is true for all of them – they need a trusted professional to answer questions, solve problems, offer support and provide peace of mind.

Dentist / Property Investor
Sarah is extremely an busy person, between working full time as a dental specialist and managing her property investment portfolio.
Her children have recently left home, so she is transitioning from busy family to empty-nester and preparing for her retirement.
Together we have made a plan. Sarah’s key expectations are that she can be confident that I have understood her needs and developed a plan that best fits her.
We revise her plan regularly, and I liaise with her accountant to make sure taxation matters are dealt with correctly, so she doesn’t have to be concerned about the details.

John & Sheryl
Farm Owners
Their farming business is worth $30 million dollars, and generates cash flow in excess of $3m each year. Taxable profit is about $300K. The business has many areas in need of insurance protection, but the Core Key Person cover needed is Revenue Protection, because in the event that John is disabled and the couple needed to employ a farm consultant and a manager, which together could cost $200K or 2/3rds of the profit. John and Sheryl also, need to cover against the borrowings in the event of the premature death of either farm owner.
John is extremely competent in his area of expertise and recognises that he needs experts in areas where he is not. He appreciates that I will explain only the amount of detail he needs, which is not deep, but sufficient to assure him of my competence.

Pete has two teenaged daughters, and is the sole income earner for the family ($90,000). Pete and his wife have no personal debt. However, they do have a Trust, which has $800,000 of property in Central Otago, with $300,000 of mortgages.
Pete’s need is for adequate business revenue protection, which will maintain his gross business cash flow if he’s disabled. If that disability extends beyond 6 months, he needs to know that he has adequate personal income protection to meet the on-going needs of the family, as well as cover for the Trust’s loans in any circumstances.
Pete is a details person. He wants to know exactly how everything works, so he digs deep. He appreciates the level of detail I can provide him with so that he has confidence in me and the products he’s paying for. He is always checking that he only has much insurance as makes sense for him and is pleased that I review it with them regularly.

Corporate Executive
George is only 10 years away from retirement. For the last 10 years, has been building himself a tidy property portfolio. Necessarily, he still uses leverage (borrowings) which means his risk exposure is higher than he would prefer. His plan now is to deleverage over the next 10 years so that his portfolio will provide for his retirement, as he has planned.
In the meantime, George needs adequate income protection (he’s on $120,000) because the success of the whole plan is reliant on him working (and earning!) for these next 10 years. Because George has developed a leveraged property portfolio, he wanted to be sure that his property investment vehicle carried the best priced insurance to cover all the borrowings. His priorities were to have an adviser with competence in which he could place his trust, so he is confident that if the unexpected happens, his family will be left financially secure.

Steve was sick of paying so much in ACC levies.
When I first met Steve, he was frustrated at how much money he was spending on ACC. Luckily I am an expert at CoverPlus extra and could save him a lot of money.
Steve is a builder earning a taxable income of $100,000 pa. and paying $6,500 a year in ACC levies (Cover Plus).
His Income and Life cover were costing $4,800 a year, (but, upon detailed analysis, were inadequate and would not have deleivered what he expected them to in the event of a claim.)
Total Protection Cost was $11,300 a year.
After my advice, Steve transferred to Cover Plus Extra and dialed back his ACC to 40% of his taxable income, He now pays $3,800 a year to ACC.
We also reviewed his existing insurance, and brought his income & life benefits up to scratch, added trauma benefits and medical cover for his family).
He is now fully protected and so are his family. Total Protection $9,000 a year, saving him $2,300 a year!
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Prosperity Systems Limited is a Financial Advice Provider (# 726493) and as such operates under the FSLAA.
151-155 Princes St, PO Box 5635
Dunedin, Otago 9050
New Zealand
Phone: (03) 477 4993
Mobile: +64 2144 2811